HamburgGuideSarah has signed Dignified Storytelling Pledge

Communication can be difficult

Talking about the past and the future, the now and the then, the ones and the others, the strangers and us, about cultures, traditions, dark history, bright history, about politics and religion, challenges and achievements, about environmental protection and economic growth, about believes, customs, law and order or what is perceived as such – is not an easy task.

Qualified Tourist Guides as Ambassadors

As a tourist guide I am deeply rooted here because I am an ambassador of my region, I love Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein and I love Germany. Does this make me arrogant or superior? Do I influence my guests? – How?

The role of a qualified tourist guide is to ‚guide visitors in the language of their choice and interpret the natural and cultural heritage of the area‘.

(DIN EN 13809 / 2003)

Consequently, our way of talking about facts shapes the way visitors see our area – wherever it may be on this world. This is why I try to talk about events and people as neutrally as possible without judging – although I know I’m biased. I do my homework for example in researching headlines from newspapers to not believe them blindly, but to find the truth. I try to find different perspectives and dimensions to the aspects I talk about and I definitely do no harm, which includes taking care of the environment, the inhabitants‘ daily life and my guests‘ data.

Dignified Storytelling

All in all this is what Dignified Storytelling means. While the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations has already taken the pledge on behalf of all qualified tourist guides around the world, it was my desire to do so on my own, as HamburgGuideSarah because in my opinion we cannot give enough thought on what and how we communicate to others. I encourage all colleagues to take the pledge as well.

Guided Tours through Hamburg

If you’re interested in what and how I tell about Hamburg and its surroundings, please have a look at my Guided Tours in Hamburg or – for an individual city tour – contact me directly. I’m looking forward to welcoming you in this Hanseatic City!