Where #JewishLife once prospered in #Hamburg
Hamburg’s city quarter #Grindel is well-known as the #JewishQuarter although today only a few traces are left of the former prosperous #JewishLife. Walking through it with the appropriate information though, makes it possible to #DiscoverGrindel and its #JewishHistory. #Hamburg was one of the cities with the largest #JewishPopulation before #WorldWar2. Numerous #ConservativeJews and #LiberalJews were living in the area of Hamburg which is today home of #HamburgUniversity.

The #CurioHaus, the #RolfLiebermannStudio (former #LiberalTemple), the #AlteKlaus, the #HausDesPaulLevy and the #StolpersteineHamburg form part of a tour through this part of the #HanseaticCity. Especially now, during the days of #Passover #Pesach, we are reminded of the fact that more than 20.000 #Jews lived in our city once. We should #NeverForget what happened during the #NaziRegime and therefore it is important to #Remember, for example on a #GuidedTour. For more information feel free to contact me or have another look at my tours.