Did you know about the #Moldauhafen in Hamburg which in the #TreatyOfVersailles of 1929 was given to #CzechoSlovakia for 99 years? The #CzechRepublic as the #Successor inherited #MoldovaPort and is still nowadays seen as the owner, even though the #Treaty of #Versailles has already been revoked.

#OhHappyDay! #Prague in #Hamburg! Two #fegqualifiedtouristguides meet on a #SunnyDay! #StanislavVoleman, my lovely Czech colleague from #Praha, visited our #HanseaticCity with his #GroupTravel and I had the pleasure to be their #TouristGuide!
Of course, this formed part of my tour today!
Do you want to know more about Hamburg? Why don’t you #Follow me #HamburgGuideSarah or book a #GuidedTour with me, your #QualifiedTouristGuide