Today, on a sunny Sunday, I was able to educate myself twice: From 11am – 12:30pm I took part in a guided tour of the 1765 Patriotic Society House, which showcased both the exterior and interior values of the building and its society. The Patriotic Society aims to achieve “a better Hamburg for all” and has been working towards this goal since it was founded 250 years ago. The members (both private individuals and companies) try unselfishly to create a Hamburg that does justice to all its social strata. Special attention is also paid to culture and monument protection. A look at their homepage and perhaps a visit to the office to purchase some patriotic honey harvested on the roof of the building is definitely worthwhile!
The tour continued in the afternoon at the riverboat church on the Kajen. After a church service led by the pastor of St. Pauli Church, I was able to get some more information about church life and the connection of some parishioners to the church at the parish coffee. Today, the riverboat church is particularly popular for events such as christenings and weddings. It seats around 100 people and has a simple boat design. Here, too, I recommend a visit – with me, of course! :-)