City tour at the end of a business meeting – a customer’s perspective Following a one-day meeting and to bridge the gap until dinner with our business partners, we booked a city tour with Hamburg city guide Sarah Janning-Picker. Ms. Janning-Picker asked me to describe my experiences and for permission to publish them. I am […]
read moreToday was the day: Hamburg’s “swan father” Olaf Nieß and his team brought back our white animal spring heralds – directly amoung us onto the Alster Lake. Book keeping documents relating to the swans can be traced back to the 16th century. Since the 12th century they enjoy a special protection: It is not only […]
read moreToday was the day: father swan Olaf Nieß and his colleagues brought our white heralds of spring back to the Alster. Records of the Alster swans, which have been under special protection since the 12th century, date back to the 16th century: It is not only forbidden to kill or injure them, but even to […]
read moreOn Wednesday, March 4th, 2015, I was allowed to receive a group consisting of American university professors and students. After their six hours journey from Amsterdam I considered it adequate to walk a bit first in order to get everyone going again. So directly after their arrival we started our tour through the city center: […]
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